103123 Twenty-five Myths about my Deconversion from Christianity

Sunday, December 24, 2023

122423 Agnostic Advent: Myth #24: "I have the truth or I am certain I am right."

"Truth is the end of the conversation; truth is the conclusion to the journey." (Ruby Neumann)

* * * 

As much as I admire people's search for ultimate truth, it's not my journey.  I am not the ambassador for finding the "right" way up life's mountain.  That doesn't mean that I prefer dishonesty, deception or delusion... I don't.  I am an Enneagram Four and us Fours love our authenticity.  But as a social Four wing Five, I love something more than my authenticity.  I love my people.  

It is a constant struggle to balance my need for authenticity and my desire to dwell in harmony and love with the people in my life.  I am not saying that I am right how I navigate this struggle.  I don't know if I am right. That is the whole conundrum.  

I had a version of this bible verse go through my head this morning.  

"And if I have prophetic powers and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains but do not have love, I am nothing." 1 Cor 13:2  (NRSVUE) 

My concise version of this… "What good is knowing everything and loving nothing." 

Maybe truth matters, but at what cost.  

My favourite Christmas movie is "Miracle on 34th Street" (The second one where Richard Attenborough is Santa).  My favourite line is from Bryan when he is addressing the courtroom in his closing argument.  

"If this court finds that Mr. Kringle is not who he says he is, that there is no Santa, I ask the court to judge which is worse: A lie that draws a smile or a truth that draws a tear."

I don't think even Bryan Bedford has a conclusion to that question.  Which is better?  The answer hangs in the air for most people, especially me.  

It is one thing to sit in one's office and deduce that the world needs to be set straight about the facts of life. It's quite another thing to look in someone's eyes and tell them that everything they hold dear is a myth or a lie.  

I started this post out with a thought I had this morning.  Truth is the end.   Love, however, is in the process and in the journey.  

Back to 1 Corinthians 13 for the conclusion… 

(Wow... here I am quoting the bible for Agnostic Advent! But there is still some good stuff in there...) 


(written December 24, 2023) 

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