103123 Twenty-five Myths about my Deconversion from Christianity

Sunday, August 20, 2023

082023 My answer to the question "What is Supernatural?"

These are my philosophical thoughts today Everything I have access to is natural. Because I am a part of nature and everything that is... is natural unless it is human derived (unnatural?... maybe not) . . So maybe for me only two categories. Human derived and Outside of Humanity. Because if I as a human being am natural... now can I produce anything unnatural. So maybe it is all natural at its core... just some things come from humans and some come from outside of humanity. So then I don't even need to understand the "supernatural" because it doesn't exist. There are things that are beyond my humanity.. (squirrels, trees, rivers, wind, cosmos...) . There are things derived within humanity (cars, computers, skyscrapers, hair dye...) and myths and stories are a part of that. So maybe some of what we have deemed as supernatural can fit into the myths and stories that are human derived and the rest we can give back to the cosmos... thus being natural at its core. Just because we can't understand it... doesn't mean it's not natural. I don't understand a lot of things that are natural. Maybe "supernatural" is the label we use for the stuff humanity haven't found the blueprints for yet.

(written August 20, 2023) 

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