May 12, 2024 was the first Mother's Day since my sister died, so I wanted to do something special for my Mom. This year marks seventy years since my mother graduated from high school, so I took her on a road trip to Saskatchewan and we ended up at our small town high school for Mother's Day and Graduation. Graduation at the boarding school we both attended has always landed on Mother's Day. I thought it would be special for her.
We did take in the evening grand march and talent show that had it's own issues, but that's not what I want to write about. The following morning... Mother's Day morning... Mom and I attended the 10:30 service in the school gymnasium. I wondered how I would navigate the religious triggers. But thanks to a crappy sound system and a less than enthusiastic audience... that wasn't a problem. I spent most of the service looking at the people trying to figure out if they were enjoying themselves. I have to report that my perception of the crowd left a lot to be desired. Maybe it was my fourteen years in the Pentecostal world that had me thinking that Jesus people "should" be more exited about Jesus, but there didn't seem to be much enthusiasm. For the most part. 90% to 95% of the crowd looked as bored as I was. The grad class was situated on the stage and it was not a pretty sight. I watched them when the hymns were being sung... and a few lips were moving, but not many. I watched them when the prayers were being recited and a few lips were moving but not many and there were more eyes opened than closed. If their lips were moving, it was easy to see that they were just going through the motions. But for the most part... most of them looked as bored as I was.
One of the graduates had a big and long poofy grad dress adorned with running shoes and was significantly slouched for most of the service. She held the front and centre row position. Can't say that looked very "ladylike". She didn't give me the impression that she wanted to be there either.
I only had it out with one woman that day about what I saw. She had the job of reciting one of the scripture passages that morning, like her mom did at our graduation in 1987. That woman was a former classmate and the valedictorian at our graduation. I mentioned to my friend of almost 40 years that if Jesus is who Christians say he is... one would think there would be more enthusiasm in a church service. Why was I only witnessing such boredom. Was that all they had to offer as an invitation to me? Could they blame me for not wanting that in my life? If they were trying to encourage this agnostic atheist alumni... they really sucked at the job. My friend mentioned... that was my perception. I guess so. It is what I saw, even if no one else did.
But I didn't go there to be encouraged or entertained. I went there to give my Mom a special Mother's Day... and she had one. She didn't notice the bored grads or the crappy sound system. So maybe it wasn't a big loss.
Was I actually amazed at just how many rose-coloured glasses were being worn that morning. Maybe. Was I really the only one who saw the Mother's Day monotony? I guess so. I took those glasses off years ago.
(written May 14, 2024)
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