103123 Twenty-five Myths about my Deconversion from Christianity

Friday, October 11, 2024

101124 Letter to Melanie Trecek-King

Hello Melanie. 

My name is Ruby.  I live in Alberta Canada.  I just discovered you thanks you recent download video on The Thinking Atheist.  I think what you have to say can help me.  

Technically, I'm a Post-Christian Agnostic Atheist.  But I have been leaning heavily on the Agnostic part of that label  because I am surrounded by certaintists.  There is very little room in my off line environment for conversations with my people.  Because of their certainty, I am left to wade in the unknown.  I can't afford any confidence in a different narrative than the one I was raised with, I can only imagine and wonder about the possibility.  I have no platform and will endanger my relationships if I come out of my closet with any intent to declare such things like Genesis is a myth, Jesus was Jewish, not Christian, and even the Earth is not flat.  These seem like simple things, and I can embrace them in my own space... but I feel like I have to enable people's beliefs, even when they contradict my own understanding of life. 

I'm in my mid fifties.  I have learned to take care of people and put myself and ideas on the back burner.  I can be honest and authentic in my blogs, but not in my daily conversations with people.  I feel like I need to protect them.  I am thankful that I can write my thoughts and questions... I just can't share most of them.    

I am thankful for voices like yours who understand the nuance of life.  I want to listen to more of your content on Youtube.  Thank you for putting your voice out there.  I can't thank you enough for the encouragement I have listened to so far.  

Thank you.  

Ruby Neumann

Calmar, Alberta, Canada

(written October 11, 2024) 

Melanie's Website 

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