103123 Twenty-five Myths about my Deconversion from Christianity

Friday, October 11, 2024

101124 Letter to Melanie Trecek-King

Hello Melanie. 

My name is Ruby.  I live in Alberta Canada.  I just discovered you thanks you recent download video on The Thinking Atheist.  I think what you have to say can help me.  

Technically, I'm a Post-Christian Agnostic Atheist.  But I have been leaning heavily on the Agnostic part of that label  because I am surrounded by certaintists.  There is very little room in my off line environment for conversations with my people.  Because of their certainty, I am left to wade in the unknown.  I can't afford any confidence in a different narrative than the one I was raised with, I can only imagine and wonder about the possibility.  I have no platform and will endanger my relationships if I come out of my closet with any intent to declare such things like Genesis is a myth, Jesus was Jewish, not Christian, and even the Earth is not flat.  These seem like simple things, and I can embrace them in my own space... but I feel like I have to enable people's beliefs, even when they contradict my own understanding of life. 

I'm in my mid fifties.  I have learned to take care of people and put myself and ideas on the back burner.  I can be honest and authentic in my blogs, but not in my daily conversations with people.  I feel like I need to protect them.  I am thankful that I can write my thoughts and questions... I just can't share most of them.    

I am thankful for voices like yours who understand the nuance of life.  I want to listen to more of your content on Youtube.  Thank you for putting your voice out there.  I can't thank you enough for the encouragement I have listened to so far.  

Thank you.  

Ruby Neumann

Calmar, Alberta, Canada

(written October 11, 2024) 

Melanie's Website 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

100524 MY quotes from last week

* There are plenty things in life that I can't live without. Having an explanation for life itself, isn't one of them. (October 5, 24) 

* I would like to have the opportunity to meet one human being where I don't feel like it's my responsibility to protect them from me. (October 3, 24) 

* The greatest loss is not losing a child. The greatest loss is the greatest loss for you. It might be your child, it might be your partner, it might be your sibling, it might be your cat. There is no universal "greatest loss". There is only your greatest loss and even then there may  be more than one greatest loss for you.   The lesson is... Don't compare losses with others and don't compare losses within your own life's journey. (September 30, 24)