103123 Twenty-five Myths about my Deconversion from Christianity

Saturday, March 8, 2025

030825 What would fill the churches if...

"We, as a human species, put a lot of effort into keeping our own narrative alive. Maybe we need to make the effort to understand that it is our narrative that keeps us alive."  Ruby Neumann (March 8, 2025) 

It is my hope for the world that one day we can live with the peace of knowing that the narrative we embrace is only a small piece of the global pie.  How amazing would it be if everyone could see the planet for this floating ball in space that has no lines or boxes visible from the expanse of the cosmos.  How precious it would be if we could find the way that works for us and be okay if someone else needs a different expression of life to navigate the world.  This goes for everyone.  It is why I hold a word like "truth" very lightly.  I can only see when we hold it tightly that it puts up lines and boxes that keep other people out.  What if we could all see the truth as something beyond our grasp. Then we could just sit back, embrace a narrative that makes us better people and more loving and more compassionate.  It doesn't have to line up exactly with anyone or everyone else's view on life.  What would community look like then?  What would fill the churches if people were free to think and believe on their own terms?  Maybe the doctrine statements and belief creeds wouldn't be necessary.  Maybe people could gather around a shared love for humanity and the human experience.  

Maybe this is all a dream and I will never see this.  Earth has it's boxes and boundaries and most people are content to swim in their own ponds.  I just wonder what it would be like... that's all.